Friday, September 6, 2013

Protecting Your Children, even when its inconvenient....

This is kinda of an addendum to the previous blog... but its weighing on my mind so here we go...

People, protect your children. I know this isn't always convenient for you, but PLEASE keep in mind that children are impressionable, tender little hearts and minds, dependent on YOU to set an example and teach them about life, and yes, to protect them from the bad stuff. Sometimes protecting them means putting off what you want to do til later, but its so worth it. You should always put the welfare of your children before anything or anyone.

So, you have to ask yourself every day.. What is my behaviour teaching my child today? What do my decisions teach my child about life, about how to live life, about how to make good, solid decisions, about clean living, about how to treat others, about Godly living, safe living, good nutrition, the proper way to conduct ones self in public and in private??  Because the thing to realize is that from the moment that child was conceived, life ceased to be about YOU. You became responsible for molding the life of another human being. That is an AWESOME responsibility. So, are the things you do and the decisions you make things you want your child to do and decisions you are comfortable with your child making??

If you are partying and drinking, hanging out in bars, sleeping around with different guys or girls... being slovenly in your personal life or appearance, hanging out with rough people that you wouldn't trust to take care of your child... Are these things you would be comfortable knowing your beautiful, precious child will be doing in a few years? Because if you are doing it now, he or she will be doing it soon. They learn what you live.

You need to know this: GOD entrusted your children to you. He gave you a precious gift, loaned it to you really, to take care of on this Earth, to teach and watch over, to educate and to love. And if you are neglecting that responsibility, you are failing a responsibility that God trusted you with, and you are failing your child. You are failing to give your child the love and protection and education that they need to be able to go out into this crazy world and be successful. And, in retrospect, you are failing yourself... because I guarantee you that when you are older, and the kids are older and things are going all wrong, they will blame you... and what will your defense be? "I did the best that I could"?? A lie that will just add insult to injury. And the true sadness here is that your kids will most likely pass the same 'upbringing' on to their kids... and the cycle will continue, until somewhere down the line, some kid decides, Hey! I don't have to live this way! I have the power to change myself!

Why not let that change start with YOU? Break the mold! Live better! Raise your kids better! Love them better! They are so tender hearted, so impressionable... and they need parents who can feed their souls, protect their little hearts, protect them emotionally as well as physically, educate them in proper things. They need parents who will stand up for them, be their hero's, yet discipline them when necessary, set those boundaries for what is acceptable and not... be the parent, not the buddy....... It's a daunting challenge in todays society, more so than ever before, but if you are a parent, regardless of circumstances, it's a challenge you have already taken up. Its up to you how well you meet it.

Love y'all.


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