Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What does it mean to be SAVED? And how do you get there??

I'm glad you asked! I used to question that very thing!! Although I had always had a  spiritual belief in God, it was all very vague... and when people would ask me about my religion, I would give that all too familiar answer you've probably heard a million times, "Well, I'm not really in 'church' but I've always been very 'spiritual'." What does that even mean??!

Many of you may have been raised in church, but I wasn't. My grandmother went to  church, but I never remember going with her. I know my mother took us when I was small, but I have no memory of it. I know my older sibling was baptised when I was quite small, but I wasn't. There were a smattering of church outings throughout my childhood, but nothing consistent and yet I prayed. I knew enough to pray.

As a young adult and mother, I tried several times to get established in a church, but I failed. Seems like each one I tried was more concerned with who was attending regularly and who wore what. I was never comfortable. I didn't fit in. I didn't have the social connections, the new car, the fine house or the finances to feel accepted into "organized" religion.

It wasn't until about 12 years ago that I got serious about church and educating myself about salvation. So, getting back to our topic... what does it mean to be SAVED?

It is so simple! And yet, that first step is a doozy!!

Step one is to simply acknowledged that Christ is LORD! You have to have a full belief in God, and that Jesus is His son, and His SON, Jesus died on the Cross for YOU, for all of us, and rose again on the 3rd day. You don't have to have a complete understanding of the whys and wherefores... Wednesday night Bible Studies are designed to teach us all that! You don't have to be living a perfect life, God will correct you and clean you up AFTER you commit to HIM! You can come to Him just as you are!
You just need to BELIEVE in your heart that JESUS loves you, HE DIED FOR YOU and make the decision to REPENT your sins (ask forgiveness) and live for HIM!
And that, friends, is how you start your journey of submission to God and salvation. I promise you will never regret it. A relationship with God is the single most important decision you can ever make for yourself, for your family and for every aspect of your life... Peace is available to all of us through Christ Jesus.

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